So, I've mentioned it before.
On the 8th May 2011, I will be taking part in a sponsored walk for the CF Trust along with 2 friends.
Ellis, and Danni.
Ellis also has CF, and in August 2010 she was lucky enough to get a Heart and Double Lung transplant. Every single day I am grateful to the donor and their family, who gave Ellis back to us, and gave her another chance at life.
We met Danni in hospital, on our childrens ward, because she had pleurisy. Her mum works on the childrens ward as a play specialist, and Danni's got to know many people with CF.
I love them both so much, and cannot imagine a life which they are not part of. And I thank them so much for agreeing to join me in this.
Today I thought I'd explain some of the reasons I wanted to do this walk.
Marc Prosser.
He was my main inspiration for wanting to do this.
I met Marc in Papworth hospital, and he was an amazing guy. We soon became good friends, talking, texting, msn-ing pretty much every day. If I didnt speak to him for a couple of days, I'd get a message telling me off. LOL!
I remember him telling me how he wanted to propose to his girlfriend, Marie. I was over the moon when I got the text, out of the blue, to tell me they were engaged.
Marc always used to refer to me as his 'little sister', and to be honest, I suppose I thought of him like a brother. I trusted him with my life, and told him absolutely everything. If I'd had a big brother, I could not have asked for anyone better. He will always be my big brother.
Unfortunately, on the 8th July 2009, he was taken away from us.
I loved him, and I miss him every single day. Hes left a hole in my life and my heart, which no one will ever quite be big enough to fill.
Marc used to run Marathons.
There is no way I could run a marathon right now. It is going to be near impossible to walk 10km, but if there is one thing he taught me, its that you can do anything, if you put your mind to it.
So this is for him. It may not be much, but its the best I can do right now. I do this in his memory.
And the memory of all my other CF friends, who have left us far too soon.
Its a list, which unfortunately just keeps on growing.
Marc Prosser
Georgie Steadman
David Downes
Louis Blackledge
Nick Jollyman
Ed Nicholls
Naoishe Doherty
Gaz Torrance
Louise Haxley-Strachan
Suzy Sadler
Jo Dowling
Vicky Dobbins
Ally Morgan
Greg Barrow
Jess Wales
David Gilmour
Mike Ward
Jordan Caprani
RIP Angels
And these are just a few, of the people with CF who lose their fight each year. Each month. Each week. Each day.
These werent 'old' people. Some of these people were lucky enough to reach their 30's. Others weren't.
Georgie was 17.
Jordan was 15.
Shahara hadnt even started high school.
These are people who should have had their whole lives in front of them.
People who were Husbands and Wives. Sons and Daughters. Brothers and Sisters. They left behind people who loved them dearly.
So... I'm walking, for those who can't.
I'm walking, to raise money for the CF Trust. And more importantly if anything, to raise awareness.
There are still far too many people, who have no idea what CF is, or what it means. I'd really love this to change.
It affects about 8000 people in this country, it should be much better known than it is.
When will CF stand for cure found?
And in the mean time, how many people have to die waiting for a transplant?
We desperately need more Organ Donors.
Ellis got lucky, she got her transplant, although still at the very last minute.
Lots of other people arent so lucky.
Live Life Then Give Life.
If anyone can spare a few pound to sponsor us, that would be greatly received, because every little bit helps.
I dont expect everyone to sponsor us. Its not practical, I know. (Although, I'd totally love it. Lol.)
But if reading this, gets you thinking or better yet, talking about Cystic Fibrosis, and Organ Donation, then that makes me just as happy.
Because awareness is important too!
Lovelove xx
Remind me closer to the date! I wanna donate, I'm just short on funds right now <3